Saturday, April 28, 2007


Jackson is such a cutie! I had a good time following him around getting shots of him in action. He's going to be a star quarterback someday I'm sure of it!


Kimmy said...

Lindsey- I just wanted to tell you that your work is absolutley beautiful. You are really gifted!

chavon taylor said...

these are super cute. hey i miss you!! lets chat soon!

kelliefinch said...

Lindsey..Please come shoot with me in October! I need you!!
You are soooo stinkin good :)

Kent said...

Thank you so much for writing that comment on my blog Lindsey.

It isn't easy to write those things, but I feel called to. My heart breaks for marriages that are breaking before people's eyes, and yet they do nothing. Maybe a story will help.

And even just people beset by addictions and lusts.

Yes. Praise Christ, Praise Christ, Praise Christ. He picked me up out of the devastation, and put me in a place of overwhelming blessing.