When I started to wear make up in middle school I found a new dream job...naming makeup colors...which leads me to todays shopping venture. Whenever the seasons change...which is only like twice here in Texas...I love to buy new eyeshadow to go with the seasons. This fall I've decided that I'm going to stray away from my normal browns, pinks, and neutrals and link arms with the world of color. So today I stopped off at Nordstrom's (my affections for that store could take up a whole other post) and headed to the MAC counter, and my heart smiled as I looked through the eyeshadow and all their fun names. As much as I hate to admit it, I have even bought eyeshadow before because it had a fun name. I don't suggest making your choices that way! Anyways, I saw names like Swimming, Smoke and Glitter, Aquadisiac, and Digit and while some of them had nothing to do with the color it was attached to...it's just fun. I like to make it a game sometimes and see if I can guess what the name will be.
So that's my current dream job. Just thought I'd share some of the randomness that makes me happy! Below are my new fall colors....Club, Satellite Dreams, Kid, and Satin Taupe!
Have a good weekend!

i LOVE reading the backs of bottles in the bathroom!! instead of a book or mag thats what i read... love this post!
Interesting!! It's fun to learn new and interesting things about my awesome beautiful daughter.
i love reading them too! i also always read the directions for things like shampoo... i don't know why??! fun post :)
MAC has a special place in my heart...I am not sure where my eyes would be today had I not walked into that store as a high schooler...those colors MAKE people believe you have a gift at putting on makeup! mmmm...:)
i just happened to stumble upon your blog and read about MAC, which holds a big part of my heart! I love the names of their colors, and use Kid almost daily.. you will really love that color because it can be mixed with so many!
have fun with your makeup!
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