Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Karyn and Steve

I wasn't going to blog these until I got back from DC, but I couldn't resist. I'm in Washington DC visiting one of my really good friends from college. So we went out yesterday morning to snap some shots of her and her husband. Steve was a good sport...and he owed me bigtime! Aren't they adorable?


annemariephotography said...

lindsey...great job.. you are fabulous, just like always!
karyn, you look hot! :)
steve, you do too..
I wish I was there with you guys. I am jealous.. Have fun..

Brent said...

Great photos! It really looks like you guys are in love. Oh, and don't worry Stevie, I won't tell anyone about these, they'll never get out amongst co-workers. Miss you guys.

Miss Mommy said...

Linds- great shots- really love the ones of Addie...

maury jo photography said...

Lindsey-great photographs! You have such a gift...go for it more and more...and more! So proud of you girl!